Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Dear Chuy's.

Hey, Chuy's!

Waaaay back in December 2008, I sent a message to y'all, begging for another shot at a Tarrant County location. It's bad enough to have to move away from Austin, but to have to go without Chuy's? Unthinkable! The South Cooper location was able to tide me over for a while, but after it closed, I was stuck driving to Dallas to get my creamy jalapeno fix if I couldn't manage a trip to Austin. Chuy's response: 

"We are currently expanding in the Dallas area and are looking for a location in Arlington. Hang in there a little longer..."

And hang on I did. Imagine my joy when the Arlington Highlands location finally opened! It was "only" 45 minutes from my house. And then we got West 7th in Fort Worth (24 minutes away)! And even Southlake (26 minutes)!!! I consider myself a Chuy's ambassador, so with each new local opening, I'd get texts and Facebook messages, asking what's so great about the place or what I recommend they order (um--EVERYTHING?).

Now we're getting a Chuy's in North Fort Worth, a MERE 13 MINUTES FROM MY HOUSE. You have no idea how happy that news made me. And the best part of that glorious press release: I got to hear the good news again and again because everyone I know kept telling me: "Hey, didja hear we're getting a Chuy's on Heritage Trace?"

So here I am, 7+ years later, saying THANK YOU for keeping your promise and bringing the creamy to Tarrant County. Congrats, too, for your success sharing the gospel of Chuy's all over the U.S., including Tyler, my hometown, and Springfield, Virginia, where I was conceived (TMI?).

If you need any guinea pigs to test the new place out or if you're looking for customers for a "soft opening," you know who to call! Otherwise, I'll be there March 29 with bells (or a Chuy's shirt, at least) on.

Long live the bean and cheese stuffed sopa with tomatillo sauce,


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