Now where was I? Oh, that's right—still in California! I intended to finish these recaps a week ago, but then a stomach bug (on the heels of the flu) did me in.

On Saturday morning we headed to LAX by way of Randy's Donuts. Dede's cousin had recommended it, so we made a stop.
Unfortunately, I was feeling pretty crappy that morning. I had coughed all day Friday, but I just thought that was because I'd yelled so much at the game Thursday night. But then Saturday morning, I woke up all congested and achy. Uh oh.
By the time we got to the airport, I had chills and zero energy. I bought some Sudafed at an airport shop, and that gave me a little relief. I was glad to sleep some on the plane, too. Still, I knew I was a goner, and we just couldn't get home quickly enough.

I was sad to say goodbye to Los Angeles, but it was great to get home! After three nights away, I needed to hug my family! It was especially nice to get to bed. As soon as I finished some of my responsibilities for Sunday's worship service, I was out.
By Monday I still wasn't better, so I had to call in sick. At my doctor later that morning, I found out that I had the flu and couldn't go back to work until Thursday. Great.
In spite of the rotten ending and the disappointing game, I had a blast in California. I'd never trade the chance to cheer for my Horns, win or lose, and it was GOLD to spend precious time with friends I get to see all-too-rarely.