Sunday, April 26, 2009

A stroll through the garden.

On Sunday evening, we attended an educational seminar at Blue Mesa. Afterwards, we couldn't stand to waste a minute of daylight, so we drove the short distance up University to the Botanic Garden. We're not sure the kids had ever been there, and Brett and I think we may have been engaged on our last visit. So yes, this trip was long overdue! The spring weather was perfect for taking in the sights. After all those sweet potato chips, we were ready for a walk, too!

Brett pointed out these leaves. They look painted!

The Texas Gold Columbine reminded us that the name "Columbine" will always remind us of a dark day in history.

When we walked into an area full of rosebushes, the aroma nearly blew me away. A Tyler girl, I'm sentimental for roses. That section of the garden really reminded me of my hometown.

Ryan and Katie enjoyed the honeysuckle.

The kids weren't too sure about this after-dinner visit, but within a few minutes, they were asking when we could come back. Oh, we'll be back!

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