Here's to Christmas traditions! For the last few years, we've hosted a family dinner on Christmas Eve. Since we spend Christmas Day at home, just us and Memaw, it's nice to have this occasion to invite our family over for a good meal and great company.

Brett made hamburger soup, and mmm, mmm, MMM, was it good!

After dinner Cara and Chris took on the Dubs in some Wii sports, and our sweet daughter shared a little "Christmas punch" with her eldest cousin:

After our company went home, Ryan continued the traditions by reading the classic "Night Before Christmas" poem:

Then Katie sang the new classic, "The Twelve Dogs of Christmas":

Before hitting the hay, Ryan even had time to assemble one of his presents from Nana and Papa: the Krusty Krab in Legos!

But before too long, it was time to leave cookies for Santa and head to bed...

Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
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