Friday, November 08, 2013

This is the end.

While there are still plenty of milestones left in Ryan's senior year, we're closing the book on marching band. With tonight's postgame performance, the 2013 marching season has come to an end.

There was a time when it seemed these Friday nights were interminable, when it felt like we'd never survive the endless practice drop-offs and pick-ups. But here we are. The end. Finis.

I'm sad because I'll miss spotting our tall baritone player on that field. I'm sad because I'll miss seeing him in his sharp blue uniform. I'm sad because I'll miss hearing his stories from rehearsals and contests. And I'm really sad because this is yet another reminder that Ryan's days in our home are winding down. 

But my tears? These are mostly from profound gratitude, thanksgiving for the amazing experience band has been for Ryan and for all of us. 

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