Sunday, November 17, 2013

Time flies.

It seems like we wait forEVER for football season to start, but once it does, it flies by! Yesterday was our last football Saturday in Austin. There's just one more home game left, and since it's on Thanksgiving, we won't have our full crew on hand.

Football-wise, it's been a disappointing season, but it's been fun to share tailgating with friends and family alike. This time around, Brett and Ryan tagged along, joining us for lunch before scooting off to our grandnephew's first birthday party.

Some scenes from our fun Saturday:

Endurance challenge at the Bell County Safety Rest Area

Hook ’em donut: only in ATX!
My guys at the ’gate

Good to see Anne again (and meet her friend from high school)

Pregame flyover

Decent crowd


LHB as the USA

Iwo Jima pose

Lovely view from the DKR ramps
(For more pix, check out this week's Spell Texas post.)

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