Katie celebrated her birthday today with a break from school! She and Ryan had a four-day weekend. (My school district won't get a day off until next weekend.)
We'll be celebrating with friends later, but tonight, for her actual birthday, Katie wanted to go to Chuck E. Cheese's. We invited the grandparents along for the fun.

Signing the birthday tablecloth

Riding shotgun with an old friend

Enjoying cupcakes

Blowing out the imaginary candles

Showing some sibling love

Opening presents

Woo-hooing the much-loved DVD (
Nightmare Before Christmas)

Trying out her present from Ryan

Getting ready for Halloween
So what happened to our baby girl?

What about our spunky toddler?

Katie, on that awesome day when you were born 11 years ago, we had no idea what a phenomenal person you would become. We are so proud of your spirit, your strength, your heart, your wit. We love you, Katie! Happy birthday, P!
Happy Birthday, Katie!
First of all, Happy Birthday, Katie!
Second, okay, call me slower than molasses in January but does this photo mean that Nancy McCoy is your mother????? I love that woman! She has been my little kindred spirit at church since the first day we came to Heritage. I never put 2 and 2 together! No wonder you are both so awesome, You belong to each other! Go figure!
I just love your family!
Please tell Katie happy birthday for me! I can't believe it's been 11 years!! adulthood is getting to me...
I love seeing past pics! Hope she had a good day!!
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