Thursday, May 08, 2008

The Fresh Pirate of Dubtown.

(with apologies to Will Smith)
This is the story all about how
We turned a cardboard box into a ship just now!
And I'd like to take a minute,
Just give me a sec,
And I'll tell you how Ryan made his English project.

From our stockpile of boxes, he made one really flat.
He took the piece of cardboard and made a ship just like that.

He added a flag and oceans waves of blue,

Then a touch of faux-finishing made for wooden boards, too.

We couldn't find the puppets that he wanted to use,
So we substituted spuds, figured they'd have to do.

He ran through his scene, complete with screeching seagull,
And there's Potato Pirate peeking up from the hull.

Then he headed to bed: "Yo, homes, smell ya later!"
Let's just hope his English teacher's not a pirate tater hater!


Jenna said...

That is a new classic. I loved it!!

Laurie said...

That is too funny! I love it! I would definitly give him an "A+" if I were his teacher!