Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy 2010.

As we begin this new year, I'm lacking my usual sense of revitalization and renewal. I'm also not feeling up to my typical "year-in-review" reminiscences.

It's hard to see past last week to assess the year as a whole. It's also difficult to muster up optimism when we're still so, so sad about losing our friend.

Instead of trying to force that "fresh start" feeling, I'm going to give myself a break. I'm going to be satisfied with clinging to my Father. I don't have a clue where this year will take us, but I'm praying for confidence, to know that my God will carry us through. I'm praying that I can trust in the "blessed assurance" that Tim so loved to sing about.

For too long I've had my hands tightly gripping the wheel, trying to drive my life to work out "just so." It's time for me to breathe, to give up the wheel, to have faith.

Paul Simon's song (that gives this blog its title this season) is a depressing lyric about missing the mark. But I'm seeing the whole "slip slidin'" concept more as an analogy for life. The sooner I realize I'm not in control, the better off I'll be. And with God's help, we'll skate through these dark days--and bright ones, too--and find ourselves closer to Him and closer to each other.

May God bless you this year and every year.

Sent from my iPhone

1 comment:

Danamom said...

So very well said.